Saturday, March 3, 2018

What makes someone Smart Mentally Ill vs. others Pre Conception to Alz

Modulation/ Modification starting with the DNA from 3 - 4 generations prior to Zygotic formation in the "Junk sequence" of the Helix. The determines the likely hood of resources (oxygen/ATP) to create the maximum number of nodes on the first cell to age 25 filling up the cranium with the maximum number of cells that blend the ratio neurons for connective processing to each cluster of organelles reflected in the understanding of the physical matter of the universe. From that point, it's maintaining nerve connection, efficiently. Maintaining structure and filtering out the formation of plagues. Breaking down the plagues not just continuously adding water to dilute and flush out, toxic pathway inhibitors. How does boosting testosterone effect the brain? Processing may be a better indicator of intelligence than IQ.