Sunday, November 3, 2019

Lauren Daigle. Fan Resources. Singer/ Songwriter  shine app wisdo app neediness management    Books for better conversations with yourself;  the anxiety and phobia workbook.  The Message bible. The kindness method.  Keep your head down while always looking up. Things are going to get unimaginably worse before it gets better.  Evolutionism truth vs. lies.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Un sex yourself out of rape

Remove generational sin. Through forgiveness exercises. This a huge problem no one is addressing or aware of. God will had those who hate him to the 3 and yes, 4 th generations. Yes your great great grand parents if you can if they hate god or haven’t forgiven so or a past hurt, forgotten. Go to my blog or find an exercise and walk them through it. Dopsychology blogspot forgiveness and unshame. Do this for each member and memory. Talk openly about your past with her. Share this with friends. Talk online with women that have the type of relationship you would like to have. This is a massive problem even for Taylor Swift. Peace and love be with you. Beloved. Jason