So you answer why you do (whatever the bad habit is), what are you getting from that repeated thought? or trying to get for yourself), usually something you needed in the past and you can break the habit instantly. When you get that insight write it down. Otherwise, replace when you do bad to yourself with something good and more good. more on Work to FINISH small THINGS example donating a article of clothing you haven't worn in over a year. Addicts do not finish things, END THINGS (what things ?) adds substantially to recovery experience (change in thought patterns. They prefer to "keep options open." Addiction thrives in unfinished business. Starting more than you can finish leads to CRISIS (that takes the focus away from the addiction). Addicts avoid completing their conversations; Intense feelings and facts are not communicated. Conflict not resolved. Emotional PAIN ACCUMULATES. PAIN AND COST need to be Increased TO STOP walking the comfortable addiction pathway. Something the Childhood addict needed they(the addict) didn't receive - trust (laughter), security (not scared, noise, sudden movements, change to environment, safety (free of physical abuse), non - sexual (forced) affection power and control over their body, both parents together (love). RESPONSIBILITY TO Forgive THOSE YOU HAVE HURT. NEGATIVE EMOTIONS ARE TRANSFERRED TO CHILDREN. Addictive sex feels shameful, illicit, stolen, exploitative, and joyless. Healthy sex = adds to self -esteem, is mutual, intimate, fun, and playful. Fighting (disagreeing) = is an act of trust - focus on issues not negative emotional memories. - Give the possibilities of outcome to God. Carving Sex = loneliness for addicts. Sustain from sex w/o intimacy. Secrets will separate you from others and negate recoveries. Get a pet to have healthy touching needs met. Avoid focusing that you are a victim (having control over your body, thoughts, opinions, and feelings that you Think someone in authority wouldn't approve of you having. You have to answer only to yourself. Be gentle w/ yourself about old conflicts. They are not about you. They never were! You are safe with your thoughts. They are yours. Recovery queues = burst of creativity, brings awareness of abuse so the unhealthy patterns are replaced with ones. NURTURING - Learning how to care for ourselves and to allow others to care for them IS an Essential RECOVERY TASK. Intimacy = shared enjoyable experiences! FIDELITY TO YOURSELF is the ultimate act of faithfulness to others. Relax yourself. It's as hard for your partner as it is for you. Are others; yous or mysteries? Admit mistakes. Share Spirituality. Have fun together = share common experiences. Talk before, during, and after sex. Compliment your partner. Respect emotional boundaries. See Sex as a legitimate joy! Take care of your soft body. Express gentle affection. Work on your companionship. Fast - forward the relationship into a better more shared place.
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