The Real 10 Stupidest Mistakes Men Make During Divorce with picture
Mistakes - 1. Not call the police first if she seems violent. This is the opposite of what this author states. (move back in ASAP). Stay in the home if at all possible only if she's Not violent and doesn't drink. 2. Going to Marriage counseling is a complete waste of time. It's far better the pick on the 5 books on here under the "Divorce" category. Look for Code words -"men 's rights,father's rights". Talk to someone that's used the attorney you are considering using. 3. FILE FIRST. Go to the Courthouse and file the forms and then hire an attorney. Police, like judges, give a lot of weight to who's name they see first. 4. WHEN YOU ARE BROKE THIS IS THE BEST TIME TO FILE. 5. Tell your lawyer every negative thing she may say about you. 6. Be the best parent you can be, protect your kids. 7.Create a email and paper trail if your ex is hurting your children. 8. Have No contact with her - She now wants to be your ex. Avoid talking to anyone that knows her. 9. Facts are only helpful, if you are beyond getting emotional. 10. Be positive about yourself / why you are a good person; not negative about your ex. Read Federal legal complaints at Google docs - Bulsa v. South Carolina and see police photos So far - 72 times in court; while Lisa A Atkins Garner was having an affair. She attacked while on the phone with her husband Atlee Ashby Garner. South Carolina. I'm convinced a guy lost his life yesterday because she has yet to be arrested. 2000 Federal Express Courier of the Year. Police Cadet and Derrick Bulsa is State Prosecutor of the Year.
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