Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ron Paul is Correct on National Defense other issues

Ron Paul can't due everything he would like to do. He calls for Congress only to declare war. Any other factors are beyond the President's control. When Israel finally destroys Irans weapons this won't even be a point to consider and China, Russia control Iran as well.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

13 Changes That Will Occur In 2012

1. Facebook and Myspace will be replaced by Google+.  Facebook will become an online video game sight.  2. Obama will defeat Romney. God help us all. 3. Apple, Google, and Microsoft will get into TV and Financial transactions in ways that will change the face of business. (I haven't watched tv in years). 4. Peoples thoughts on the world will change after it doesn't end on 21 Dec but the world is only in the middle of the solar system once every 5600 years. This is fact, not thought. A good chance of global Earthquakes destroying dams. 5. Nokia name change and change in management. 6. Sears and Kmart will be bought by Amazon. 7. Many cereals will be reformulated and re-branded, including Corn Pops. 8. BN is changing getting into toys and games sells. Re-brand name change to 9. Agreed. Commercial real estate will get more mixed use, colleges in cities will increase. Local governments will continue to increase inventory has they attempt to remove abandoned property. 10. Google help Entrepreneurs win by moving their advertising online. Big problem local Chambers of Commerce are not removing high search ranking businesses that have closed. Americans will get more obese, eat more at MCD's. 13. Economy. Globally, business will decrease except in the USA. In the US, business will increase due to increases in fast food and franchise sells. Marijuana will be increasingly legal in 2013. Unemployment in the US will decrease below 8% by the end of 2012 to insure Obama's re-election then decrease again in 2013.        

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

No More Break ends - New Ways To Protect Your Home from Theft

1. Have no trash or anything in your yard. Criminals live in dirty,trashy places so they will feel more comfortable in your yard plus, they will think - they are less likely to get caught and stay longer; damaging and stealing more than if it were clean. 2. Put up security company signs and stickers. 3. You can rig a paintball gun with pepper spray balls to a trigger point. 4. motion sensors - recorded dog barking/ loud alarm/ recording to call the police/video record. Here in South Carolina more people letting them in and shooting them. Police say just make sure they're dead. I know of not one case if you took all these security measures where the thief was not caught. Usually, 90% + they flee within seconds.

Friday, November 18, 2011

God Loves You, All The Time - Not Some, Not Most, Not Maybe, Not

  When you think he might not, not when you do something wrong, not when you do what you think is right - But, HE LOVES YOU - all the time - Forever, tomorrow, all the tomorrows after that! The slices of a second between your every thoughts. God has always loved you, even before you ever know he did! You are his child, one of his many dreams, come true.                                                                                                                                                               A creation, matter, with a soul that can create. In all the Universe, you are the unfathomable weaving that thinks about itself,can create, can FEEL!                                                                                                                                                              You are so much more than a guy. You are an amplification beyond a man's thoughts and feelings with structure to carry the blending of water, dust, and the most compact instruction to form a vessel to form life itself! All creation stands in wander and awe of you.                                                                                               How could God not cherish you without end? God has written this down. He waits to tell you every time you read his love letter to you. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

A New Way To Understand Cancer and Viral Drug Interactions Biotechnical Research

viruses and bacteri control the human virus - sperm and egg cells can only replicate when combined. By definition Humans are not a life. Humans are commingled, symbiotic, merged viral off-spring.  New observations will come from testing drugs on sperm and eggs cells before they are merged.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sexual Assault Sentencing Statute Change Proposal - a life w/o parole sentence?

Worse than Murder. Society has to live with his PTSD Virus, he transmitted. New statutes - 1.Sell one of his kidneys; providing additional funds for PTSD treatment. 2. Continual blood donation while in prison. Keep this animal Chronically Fatigued and isolated until death. 3.Auto - death penalty for violence while in prison, inmate transmit this PTSD to other inmates that get parole/ infect more and the cycle starts over.  Sent California Attorney General.

Friday, September 9, 2011

John McCain Some Hidden Campaign History Presidential SC Tour

you should have seen him yelling - Cleveland Park @ Confederate Flag Protesters - Spartanburg, SC. Thought I was going to have to jump one that I hanged the mic to. This guy was Angry! "something; picking the wrong side, His ancestors rolling in the grave."  There were many news crews there but, nothing was aired. Security rushed McCain away - FAST.  

Monday, August 29, 2011

California Declares War on New Plastica

     California we need to continue the toxic growth industry to increase the country of New Plastica. The Industry is now advertising foam is less than 1% of all new waste going into landfills. 1% polluted is fine, right." Foam let it Float until We All Sink." Waste Management spends more $$ than that in oil as gasoline; carrying, soda drinks and melted ice (water) to the landfills everyday from McDonalds.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

7 Year Plus Facebook Background Check Is Turning the US into CHINA

Sensoring comments will lead to "group think" and destroys innovation.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Read The Latest in New Understandings in Psychology

Psych journals, clinical trials, university research, author pre - book releases/ psych exercises programs/ fMRI, SPECT scans. brain structure, memory,consciousness, memory loops changes do to nutrition environmental changes,etc

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Create Walls of Motivation By Posting These

Look at another person’s behavior toward us a reflection of the state of their relationship with themselves. Past offenses against that you are taking into the future are creating your present unhappiness. Remembering no wrong or robbery creates your future happiness. Meet your basic needs, first. Replace hostility (distrust, dislike toward other people) with respect. Find goodness in people. Expect enjoyable encounters. Expect people to like you. Do acts of kindness. The only remedy for Pain is Love. See good in yourself and Everyone. Compliment don’t criticize. Speak respectively. Think Gratitude every morning. Look people in the eye and smile. Give hugs. If they make you suffer THEY are Suffering. Do not destroy your peace. Forgive - Lovers for abandoning or rejecting you. Perfect Love casts out Fear. Focusing on Love completely; there is no room in your mind for Fear - False Evidence Appearing Real. My and Your obligation is to do the right thing, the rest is in God’s hands. The Godly life eventually leads to all good outcomes. Forgive God, forgive yourself, forgive others, forgive leaders, forgive the government, forgive your parents, forgive family, forgive friends, forgive everyone. They are all flawed beings just like you. Trust in God - he will make it up to us. Trusting that he will make all things right if I surrender to his will - happy in life.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How to Sell Book Notes Directly Apple Marketing steps - 3 entrepreneurs develop 3-5 questions to ask them. 2. create a pro and con list of your offering. 3. Financial facts - how much do you have to invest? how long until you maker a profit? how much do you need to sell each month? 4. focus group- learn what is loved about yuor product. what can be improved. what's it worth? 5. work w/ someone in a similar business for a few days. 6. write a business plan. Form a team. luxe jewels gold canyon small notebook - small tasks google book links title websites 101-200 direct sales companies

1. Buy a notebook and write down why you want or need to work from home. 2. will you be motivated to get to your desk and stay focused until tasks are complete? 3. Connect with one new resource every day. Track the trends- fading capital

Metal Detecting Treasure Hunting on ebay Google electrolysis for rusty steel soak brass copper in olive oil stick metal in penetrating oil for 12 hours. dig bottles with a butter knife     pre 1965 coins are 90% silver! check ebay for detector finds findings alert for latest technology videos on

Friday, June 17, 2011

Free Voice Recognition Better Than Dragon Speak

Click the Microsoft symbol in the bottom Left corner of the screen, type in search box -  speech recognition, It's free and more accurate / faster than Dragon Naturally Speaking 11.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Double Slit Experiment Explained. Light is at the two end points of the wave.

two points of a wave function. The point is the beginning and end of a single wave.

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Real 10 Stupidest Mistakes Men Make During Divorce with picture

Mistakes -  1. Not call the police first if she seems violent. This is the opposite of what this author states. (move back in ASAP). Stay in the home if at all possible only if she's Not violent and doesn't drink. 2. Going to Marriage counseling is a complete waste of time. It's far better the pick on the 5 books on here under the "Divorce" category. Look for Code words -"men 's rights,father's rights". Talk to someone that's used the attorney you are considering using. 3. FILE FIRST. Go to the Courthouse and file the forms and then hire an attorney. Police, like judges, give a lot of weight to who's name they see first. 4. WHEN YOU ARE BROKE THIS IS THE BEST TIME TO FILE. 5. Tell your lawyer every negative thing she may say about you. 6. Be the best parent you can be, protect your kids. 7.Create a email and paper trail if your ex is hurting your children. 8. Have No contact with her - She now wants to be your ex. Avoid talking to anyone that knows her. 9. Facts are only helpful, if you are beyond getting emotional. 10. Be positive about yourself / why you are a good person; not negative about your ex.                                                                                                Read Federal legal complaints at Google docs - Bulsa v. South Carolina and see police photos  So far - 72 times in court; while Lisa A Atkins Garner was having an affair. She attacked while on the phone with her husband Atlee Ashby Garner. South Carolina. I'm convinced a guy lost his life yesterday because she has yet to be arrested. 2000 Federal Express Courier of the Year. Police Cadet and Derrick Bulsa is State Prosecutor of the Year.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Break The Boyfriend Abuse Cycle; End Violence

  Have someone tells you these patterns or record them and play them for yourself.  You Deserve Love, not abuse. Oh you have a boyfriend, I understand, and you know, I have respect for that, I do have to appreciate it because it's rare to find someone who you can be with and that's a cool thing. 

But I also know that you can be in a relationship one minute and the next minute, you don't know what has happened. I'm sure you have experienced that, haven't you? Yea, so well lets take this guy for a minute, lets imagine this guy (point to the palm of your hand), lets say you're going out with him and then you break up with him. Have you ever broken up with someone?

And then you suddenly start to look back on the relationship and notice the things he does that you can't stand. Like maybe he leaves the cap off the toothpaste, or he ignores you or does any of those other things that generate all those feelings of being let down, bored or disgusted or all those things that represent that in him and you get to the point where you just can't stand it anymore. You got to break up with him. Did that ever happen?

Oh yea! Maybe you even look back on the relationship and you become obsessed with the things you hate about him. Till you get to the point where you think to yourself, god, what did I ever see in him. Has that ever happened to you?

You know, the whole thing is, that entire process can take months and months, but I'm wondering what would it be like if that entire process were to take place instantaneously in your mind. It would be like if you try to (wave your hands in her face) see his image in your mind, you couldn't do it. It would be like something unknown was simply breaking it into pieces, you know. Its like you couldn't see his image in your mind anymore and that's the first sign that will let you know that you're already starting to find him a lot less important (cover the palm of your hand).

Now that's a sad thing when you put someone behind you, but its also a happy thing. Cause when that happens you open yourself up to someone new (sp). You allow someone new to come inside . . your sphere of influence and penetrate your thinking. Now that's a great thing to make that connection and only feel good right now.

(transitioning to Incredible Connection) You know, when you connect with someone its like there's a cord of light going from you to them. And as that just starts to glow with the warmth of that connection, and as the depth rich warmth of it just spreads to where you want it to go, its like you want to create an opening, an opening for pleasure an opening for connectiveness and desire. I mean, what's it like when you're with someone who oooohhhhh, you know, really knows how. Isn't that a great thing. Now you may be surprised to find that as I talk about that, you start to have certain images and I don't know what those might be and I won't ask you cause the content might be a little personal, but as those pictures get bigger and brighter oooohhhh you start to add in those sounds that make you feel perfect. You may begin to realize there's something you really want and you got to have it. I mean, have you ever woken up and really had to have something. What's it like when you want something so bad that you just feel filled with the desire in a way that just makes you feel perfect.

Sometimes when someone has upset you, its best to forget about them. You know when you think about that, when you forget about something or someone where does it go? Like someone you use to know a long time ago, or what about something you wanted to be when you were a child and it never came to fruition. Have you ever used Windows, 95 or 98 / a Macintosh computer? Do you know how you put something in the trash? Now try to remember something you wanted to be when you were a child... Was there something you wanted to have or something you wanted to be? (she might answer "a dancer" or "a model" or "an actress"). Ok, you could still become one some day, but point to where in your mind you see that idea right now. That's like the recycle bin in Windows / trach can on a Macintosh! (Or just imagine, if you were to put something in the trash in your mind, just where would that trash thing be located).

So just take all those thoughts about him, if fact, you may find that the image of him, for some unknown reason, powers itself, sneaks itself, down there and stays there. And any thoughts you might have of not listening to me and obeying everything I say, you may be surprised to find them going right down there as well. That's right. (Point to where her boyfriend's picture has moved) Seeing it from this perspective, I invite you to notice how you might feel - you were so wrong about this guy. Have you ever thought you loved someone and then you suddenly realise for some unknown reason you deeply love someone else (point) much much more. And when that's happening its a sad thing in a way, but also, its a good thing..." 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Think Better - New Problem Solving Steps

Productive Thinking Model: determine what's going on, describe success, define the question, generate answers, develop a solution, and align resources. The big pluses of Think Better are the detailed descriptions of how to better accomplish each step and the tools that are attached to many of these steps. The tools are labeled with acronyms - IF, DRIVE, AIM, POWER, EFFECT.

The Productive Thinking Model - Action plan.
1.What's going on? This step is analyzed for stakeholder groups through questions to determine the irritant, the impact, and the information available - what is bothering us, what else is it affecting, and what do we know about it? Such primary investigations go better when the results are formulated into an initial vision of a Target Future - what do we want life to be like when this problem is resolved? The best Target Futures meet all I-3 criteria.2 Participants become more involved in decisions when all three I-3 criteria are present.

I -nfluence: Participants can Influence the outcome (vs having no control over the outcome).
I -mportance: Participants attach Importance to the outcome.
I -magination: Participants will need to use some Imagination to achieve the outcome.

2.What's success? It is initially determined with the tool of IF - Imagined Future. IF has participants write down their ideal vision of the future. This unconstrained view is then brought back to reality by answering the questions in the tool of DRIVE:

D-o: What is the solution supposed to do?
R-estrictions: Are there any external restrictions violated by the proposed solution?
I-nvestment: What resources are available for investment in the solution?
V-alues: Does the solution concur with corporate and personal values?
E-ssential Outcomes: What outcomes are essential and must be measured?

3.What's the problem question? It is determined by having participant list questions based on their prior analysis, use the tool of AIM to help them develop better questions, and use the tool C-53 to help them sort through the list. AIM forces users to delve more deeply into a problem by listing the Advantages, Impediments, and Maybes of their Target Future. C-5 has participants Cull, Cluster, Combine, Clarify, and Choose the critical questions.
4.Generate answers. These are found by having participants think hard and write down as many answers as they can. The best are then selected using the tool C-5: Cull, Cluster, Combine, Clarify, and Choose.
A number of methods are proposed that stimulate participants to generate more answers. This is essential since the best ideas are in the last third in good brainstorming - "The Miracle of the Third Third." Participants need to get there. Techniques for stimulating participants to generating better answers include: write long lists, consider others' perspectives, continually ask "How else," and use various techniques to relax - listen to music, go on a short excursion, take a break.
5.Forge the solution. It is found by evaluating three to six proposed solutions against the key Success Criteria defined in stage 2 and assessing these further with the POWER tool:

P-ositives: What is good about this proposal?
O-bjections: What are the drawbacks to doing this?
W-hat else? Do we have any other insights about this idea?
E-nhancements: Is there any way to strengthen this proposal?
R-emedies: Is there a way to overcome the objections?

6.Align resources. In this step, strategy is turned into action by listing and evaluating all action steps necessary to complete the plan. The order of the action steps is determined by placing them on a Wall of Time. Their evaluation is accomplished with the EFFECT tool.

E-nergy: Is a high level of personal commitment needed to accomplish this step?
F-unds: How many financial resources are needed? Where can further resources be obtained?
F-ree time: How much time is needed to complete this step?
E-xpertise: What knowledge is required? Where can this expertise be found?
C-onditions: Is a contract needed? Is there a contingency plan? Can this step be accomplished in any weather?
T-hings: What physical resources are needed? A laptop computer? Sticky notes? A construction crane?

Think Better.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Advanced Cross EFT TAPping For Instant Healing

more on
  EFT TAPPING, some say this doesn't work for them. What I suggest those try is do a series of cross tapping. Use your left hand to tap on the right side of your body and left hand on the right side. This activates more of the brain by at least 35% with only one set, resulting in faster more noticeable results. For seem reason no one is teaching this.  May you be able stop reacting to memories from past fears.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Emotional Pain Stoppers Use Physical Pain Stoppers A New Research Study

Use two metal spoons to crush them into a powder to get them into your system 5 times faster. work to FINISH small THINGS. Addicts do not finish things,END THINGS (what things ?) adds substantially to recovery experience (change in thought patterns. They prefer to "keep options open." Addiction thrives in unfinished business. Starting more than you can finish leads to CRISIS (that takes the focus away from the addiction). Addicts avoid completing their conversations; Intense feelings and facts are not communicated. Conflict not resolved. Emotional PAIN ACCUMULATES. PAIN AND COST need to be Increased TO STOP walking the comfortable addiction pathway. Something the Childhood addict needed they(the addict) didn't receive - trust (laughter), security (not scared, noise, sudden movements, change to environment, safety (free of physical abuse), non-sexual (forced) affection power and control over their body, both parents together (love). RESPONSIBILITY TO Forgive THOSE YOU HAVE HURT. NEGATIVE EMOTIONS ARE TRANSFERRED TO CHILDREN.                           Addictive sex feels shameful, illicit, stolen, exploitative, and joyless.                Healthy sex = adds to self-esteem, is mutual, intimate, fun, and playful. Fighting (disagreeing)= is an act of trust - focus on issues not negative emotional memories. - Give the possibilities of outcome to God. Horniness = loneliness for addicts. Sustain from sex w/o intimacy. Secrets will separate you from others and negate recoveries.                    Get a pet to have healthy touching needs met. Avoid focusing that you are a victim (having control over your body, thoughts, opinions, and feelings that you Think someone in authority wouldn't approve of you having. You have to answer only to yourself. Be gentle w/ yourself about old conflicts. They are not about you. They never were! You are safe with your thoughts. They are yours. Recovery ques = burst of creativity, brings awareness of abuse so the unhealthy patterns are replaced.                                                NURTURING - Learning how to care for ourselves and to allow others to care for them IS an Essential RECOVERY TASK. Intimacy = shared enjoyable experiences! FIDELITY TO YOURSELF is the ultimate act of faithfulness to others. Relax yourself. It's as hard for your partner as it is for you. Are others; yous or mysteries? Admit mistakes. Share Spirituality. Have fun together = share common experiences.  Talk before, during, and after sex. Compliment your partner. Respect emotional boundaries. See Sex as a legitimate joy! Take care of your soft body. Express gentle affection. Work on your companionship. Fast-forward the relationship into a better more shared place.

"New Age of Walmart" DVD 12 Easy Ways To Improve Walmart

1.Embed inspectors as workers in a work length where the measurements will be eschew if practices are not maintained for a length of time. example - month. 2.Recycle what you sell, especially what's brought into the store; trash in the parking lots. 3. Have customers recycle packaging before they leave the store after purchased. store to vehicle to home shelf containers. 4. Organize through the web Group buyer trips. 5. Have a website open journal for each store through 6. Display soft drink can label information on the front of the vending machines. 7. Display website contact info. for each product on the shelf label. 8. Hang "please keep your costs low bring in a cart; it's great exercise signs at smaller cart return racks. 9. Keep your parking lot clean- Please notify __ when trash can is full. 10. hang green plants in the store; watered by a robot watering train. 11. Remove and stop building the big rear parking lot walls. 12. add map a Walmart bus trip - feature to your website.  Finally, compete more with the Worse than Walmart store -

Friday, April 22, 2011

Bad Habits Unhealthy Addictions Break Free through Addictions with Forgiveness

So you answer why you do (whatever the bad habit is), what are you getting from that repeated thought? or trying to get for yourself), usually something you needed in the past and you can break the habit instantly. When you get that insight write it down. Otherwise, replace when you do bad to yourself with something good and more good. more on  Work to FINISH small THINGS example donating a article of clothing you haven't worn in over a year. Addicts do not finish things, END THINGS (what things ?) adds substantially to recovery experience (change in thought patterns. They prefer to "keep options open." Addiction thrives in unfinished business. Starting more than you can finish leads to CRISIS (that takes the focus away from the addiction). Addicts avoid completing their conversations; Intense feelings and facts are not communicated. Conflict not resolved. Emotional PAIN ACCUMULATES. PAIN AND COST need to be Increased TO STOP walking the comfortable addiction pathway. Something the Childhood addict needed they(the addict) didn't receive - trust (laughter), security (not scared, noise, sudden movements, change to environment, safety (free of physical abuse), non - sexual (forced) affection power and control over their body, both parents together (love). RESPONSIBILITY TO Forgive THOSE YOU HAVE HURT. NEGATIVE EMOTIONS ARE TRANSFERRED TO CHILDREN.                                                                          Addictive sex feels shameful, illicit, stolen, exploitative, and joyless. Healthy sex = adds to self  -esteem, is mutual, intimate, fun, and playful. Fighting (disagreeing) = is an act of trust - focus on issues not negative emotional memories. - Give the possibilities of outcome to God. Carving Sex = loneliness for addicts. Sustain from sex w/o intimacy. Secrets will separate you from others and negate recoveries.  Get a pet to have healthy touching needs met. Avoid focusing that you are a victim (having control over your body, thoughts, opinions, and feelings that you Think someone in authority wouldn't approve of you having. You have to answer only to yourself. Be gentle w/ yourself about old conflicts. They are not about you. They never were! You are safe with your thoughts. They are yours. Recovery queues = burst of creativity, brings awareness of abuse so the unhealthy patterns are replaced with ones.                                                NURTURING - Learning how to care for ourselves and to allow others to care for them IS an Essential RECOVERY TASK. Intimacy = shared enjoyable experiences! FIDELITY TO YOURSELF is the ultimate act of faithfulness to others. Relax yourself. It's as hard for your partner as it is for you. Are others; yous or mysteries? Admit mistakes. Share Spirituality. Have fun together = share common experiences.  Talk before, during, and after sex. Compliment your partner. Respect emotional boundaries. See Sex as a legitimate joy! Take care of your soft body. Express gentle affection. Work on your companionship. Fast - forward the relationship into a better more shared place.

Ideas Ways To Get Wonderful, Original World Changing Ones; Improve Business, Solve Unsolveable Problems

Brainstorming outside the box - I try to go outside myself and psychologically en-body others ( how would Warren Buffet think on this?, search the web for clues, post a video to yourself, pray about the problem / question before I go to sleep; holding it in my mind, ask the experts - discussion related subjects on reviews ( my email address - ) and meet with my mastermind group / picked by my guide - If after a year I haven't acted on the new insight; I give it to the universe through my blog or post on  My ideas and music need to be sung. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

17 Day Diet Promises 3 Things and Delivers Review

1. I won't get sick of this diet - though I admit at times I want chocolate or ice - cream or something, but the author promises by stage 4, I can have some of my treats again on occasion.
2. I won't be left hungry. (this is very true)
3. I will lose 1 - 2 pounds a day immediately, and I will elaborate.

I'm a 5'8'' male, age 31. The last couple of years I crept up over the 200 lb mark, and I really feel I should be around 160. I weighed in at the doctor's office two weeks ago at 212lb! The book had arrived, we (my wife and I) were just going to enjoy Christmas and New Years Eve without being on the diet.
I have weighed myself every day (except the first day) at the same time, before breakfast for consistent results.
Day 2, I weighed in at 204. I feel it is right for me to assume I was AT LEAST 206 on day one - though I wish I had weighed in for accuracy.
I am writing this at work, and my results are at home, but every day showed a weight loss, most days were at least one pound. There were two days of just under a pound.
Today is Day 8, and I weighed in at 196.4.
The book instructs to do 17 minutes of walking per day (or the workout video). We have missed about 3 days of doing this - and still got good results. I'm sure they would be better if I did it every day. But the fact is, 50% of those people at the gym right now going every day, won't even be there in February! I also haven't tried green tea as was strongly suggested in the book.

Look, the book works - anyone who says it's a scam hasn't bought the book, let alone tried to follow the instructions in it. Probably looking for an excuse to keep drinking 44 oz sodas, and eat fast food every day. Maybe they are trying to sell their own diet plan and jealous this one is getting so much attention- either way, if you are serious about losing weight, and keeping it down with a long-term strategy, starting right now, this book is for you.                       ""Henry McMaster" South Carolina Governor policies promote rape, arrests of men attacked by drunk women Assault Rape help Rape-Related PTSD; Female prosecutors 864 596 2575 or call 864 596 2222 and ask for an ER Nurse

Transform Your Home into a Peaceful Sanctuary Harmonious Environment

"The energy from flowers is so bright and strong that they can be put anywhere in the home and they will enhance your life." ~ pg. 217

Norma Lehmeier Hartie is a design consultant and Harmonious Adjustment practitioner who enjoys gardening and cooking. She created the practice of Harmonious Adjustments to give her clients the chance to reconnect with nature and to manifest their personal and professional dreams. Through her book she introduces ideas for detoxing and decluttering your home environment.

If you want a happier, healthier lifestyle that is more in harmony with nature, then Norma Lehmeier Hartie's book has a world of information to make this possible. She can help you:

Remove toxic products from your home and garage
Clean and organize your home
Buy environmentally friendly cleaning products
Organize your home for more peace and harmony
Find healthy personal care products
Grow plants that help to control pollution - A list of the Fifty Best Houseplants
Find the best choices in flooring
Figure out how to recycle larger items like a refrigerator
Cook more safely and use kitchen scraps for your garden
Formulate a plan to keep your house clean
Organize every room in the house
Decorate with Confidence

Reading through the list of harmful products gives you an idea of the ingredients to avoid in cleaners and how they can affect your health. For an antibacterial spray, the author suggests water and essential oils and for cleaning silver she also suggests more natural solutions like baking soda and vinegar. Using Borax and water is less dangerous than chlorine bleach fumes and you may want to try this in your shower. You may enjoy products by Seventh Generation.

Chapter three felt a little out of my personal range of expertise, although we know that thoughts can affect our environment and life and can move our life in a positive or negative direction. This chapter deals more with spiritual practices. Chapter 6 also delves into a deeper connection with nature, personality types and elemental powers. The list of Yin and Yang is helpful to create a balance of the two in your home. An entire chapter is also dedicated to plants, gemstones and crystals.

"If you are the average American woman, you expose yourself to over two hundred synthetic chemicals that are found in the products you use as you prepare yourself for the day. These products do not simply sit on your skin; approximately sixty percent of these ingredients get absorbed into your bloodstream." ~ pg. 91

Chapter four is especially informative and essential if you are trying to be healthier and want to find organic alternatives to products filled with synthetic chemicals. Why should you avoid petroleum and talc? Why is there lead in hair dye?

The section on an Eco-Friendly Kitchen is interesting and the chapter on natural and organic foods also gives ideas on how to save time in the kitchen. A few recipes are included:

Vegetarian Pasta Primavera
Risotto with Scallops or Shrimp
Lemon Rice
Grilled Vegetables

Friday, April 8, 2011

Diet Psychology - A Healthy Environment creates an effortless weight loss plan

    I have helped many people stick to their weight loss plans by helping them fix up their homes. I have discovered that when your home is neat and organized and feels and looks good, it is much, much easier to stick to a diet plan.                                                                                                                                 Try any book by Peter Walsh for clutter and HARMONIOUS ENVIRONMENT: Beautify, Detoxify & Energize Your Life, Your Home & Your Planet for your home and yourself. "Ways your home is making you Fat."

Secrets of Cash Generating Business People

"Secrets" which also ignore the millions who start their own businesses follow these strategies:

SECRET 1: Financial Success Is Possible in Almost Any Field, and
Lack of Education Doesn't Have to Hold You Back.
2: Working Hard Doesn't Mean Working All the Time.
3: Focus on Fulfilling Your Values Rather Than Financial Gain.
4: Loving What You Do Is Much More Important
Than What You Do.
5: Feel the Fear. Have the Doubts. Go for It Anyway.
6: Think in Terms of Trade-offs, Not Sacrifices, to Find a Workable Equilibrium.
7: Sometimes You Just Have to Shrug It Off and Have a Good Laugh.
8: Appreciate Abundance.

1. A profit motive. Money per se may not be their driving force, but six-figure women absolutely expect to be well compensated for their work. They want to make money. They feel good about making money. They enjoy what money gives them. Profit, to these women, has a positive ring.
2. Audacity. Everyone I interviewed came to a point where they had to step outside her comfort zone and do something she wasn't completely sure she could do. It was rarely an experience she relished, nor did she always succeed.
3. Resilience. They all got back up and keep going when they didn't succeed or when they encountered setbacks.
4. Encouragement. Six-figure people have tremendously nurturing relationships with one or more people who believe in them, support them, continually root for them, and sometimes prod them along. Some, but definitely not all, had encouraging parents. Every one has remarkable friendships. And for those in a committed relationship, a supportive husband or partner is invariably cited as essential to their success.


1. Declare your intention to make good money.
2. Let go of where you are (leave your job if you feel stuck)
3. Decide which game to play - "play it safe" or "gamble to win"
4. Jump in, ready or not.
5. Keep on trucking'.
6. Grab opportunities.
7. No excuses allowed.
8. Ignore naysayers.
9. Never personalize.                                                              Replace the programming.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Marijuana Legalize It By Recycling Paper Stopping Junk Mail

 Small businesses can sell it. This will reduce the protection paper monopoly.

Six Figure Second Income What problem have you solved?

a known solution have you or someone you know has found? What can you demonstrate?  What have you researched on the web and discovered?

New Voting Poll Tax - Photo ID

WHO PAYS?: Jason Bulsa of Spartanburg isn’t completely sold on the idea of requiring people to present photo identification when voting. “I’m not against it. I’m only against the cost,” he says. “If the politicians want every voter to have a photo ID, the government should pay for it. Otherwise, it’s like a backdoor tax on the poor.”

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Real Estate Taxes system info match property info and assessors office Save $

Both departments use a different program for their day-to-day work, and unfortunately the Map Number is formatted different in both programs.  The Treasurer’s Offices uses QS1 and the Assessor’s Offices uses Patriot.  Both of these programs are maintained by the vendor and Spartanburg County can’t control the data format.   Whose the director over these two offices? The money guy? The one who decides whom to write to the checks to, that pays the bills for these services.  End Real Estate Crisis? Save Taxes? Revenue up? Crime down?  Use one vendor, nationwide.

Monday, March 14, 2011

How exactly can I show to her that  I'm listening to what she is saying?

repeat back to her what she just said in an emotional way, in the form of a question, asking for more information, or " can you explain that to me again in a different way, using different words? " this is "sensitive to her, excited by what she is saying so, excited by her.   eye contact throughout. nodding is good, taking notes is better. you can doodle if it's boring. physically touching her hands at high points is best with "I feel the same way" or " I get that same feeling when..." women are more "moving" machines than men. Let her know she is moving you - physically, mentally, and emotionally that you are becoming attuned to her pleasantness.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Is There Scientific Evidence Behind the Law of Attraction?

yes. chemicals on a established pathway like to maintain and continue the previous process. Become a creature of good habits. If a man in his soul is free you can never enslave him.      Book - Project: Soul Catcher. 

God is your Servant. Your conscious, Action is required to activate the Law of Attraction.

LOA is not focus. Action is required.  Focus on confidence, postive, optimism. You are "programming" your sub-conscious chemically your brain to find and get you want you want, repeatedly stay on the positive 24/7. You don't attract a damn thing!  Your idiot, mind, slave will get you what it is use to getting for you. That "servant" is so un-instructed. It will get for you whatever you repeatedly tell it to get for in at least the last 21 days! It does whatever you tell it to "find" and bring you. You tell it over 10,000 times everyday what to bring you. Change your environment everyday so it can see different ways and things to bring you - new more better stuff or focus on the new thing you want not the old. The Servant doesn't get confused, but doesn't like change. Change takes more energy,exercise.  This is why I like passive exercise.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Should I take Love Systems Training or any Dating PUA Bootcamp? ABC Nightline

Real is if it gets you the results you want. I'm not on their newsletter but have been on and off many. If it helps you read it. It's a well oiled marketing machine. They only give you bits. They may give you the goods at a seminar but three days is not alot of time to absorb it and if the stuff was that good it would be in a program they sell or books. I can't justifiy spending the money $3000, but if it gets you a fulfilled life it would worth it. You can read daing reviews at Instructors are what you are paying for so, research and request the best one for you.

Ultimate Basic Dating Advice Everyone Woman should want Every Guy to Know

 I study something everyday and am probably alot better than i think I am. I suggest dating books on, and book reviews on amazon (google search b29349 and bulsa and amazon review) I also have 2 books on - cocky comedy and unfair advantage.  David Deangelo's stuff is good but way too long and rambling.                                                                                                                                                   I'm doing what i can - it seems nothing works but parts of all could work or so many programs wouldn't still be produced.  Every product i have seen needs to be reworked which I'm going to do when i make the time. Business and physical injuries keep me in bed a lot and I'm getting older.  Love Systems is the best marketed, therefore most expensive and probably not the best. It's mainly going depend on the instructor you get and knowing  what your thought limitations are / limiting beliefs / "sticking points".  I'm not aware of mine. From what I know, If i could take any boot camp - they would be in this order - brad p , kezia, , venusian arts, love systems, Venice kelvin , but again - they all have amazing instructors.  favorite youtube mine- b29349 and Mypuajourney. Advice - Do something daily/ practice afformations/ yoga/ get funny/ high energy/ be sure of yourself ("you are the prize" because YOU ARE;  it's her loss if she doesn't want to choose you, make her feel positive emotions; bring up and out positive memories she's had, maintain eye contact;smile; lean away from her when talking; talk 3X slower and steady to her; so your unique voice and words stay in her ; move 2x slower than you think you should when safe touching her - first right away -kiss her hand while holding eye contact, when push her hand away and say- "i'm being rude, come here." and hug her with hip contact if she let's you, next safe touching- elbows, knees, back. TOUCH right away if she doesn't like it; move on/ likely abuse vic.                                                                                                   Believe in everything you say and do with her is the best thing anyone could do or do to her is the greatest thing for both of you because; IT IS! she's attractive and you care = great life for you both.  Beautiful women are the easiest to get because - they are usually smart, treated well, and are very sexual. I also, just, prayed and snapped my fingers for you to find a great girl so go where they are soon! This is enough to get chemicals moving in her to bond to you. Make her world a better place, be in it. Then, you can explore something else - her.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Kitchen Prescriptions More Powerful than Rx! Food Combinations

Milk and Honey. People have been drinking this mixture since biblical times. It works! You know a glass of warm milk helps you go to sleep. If you add honey to it you speed up the process. The calcium in the milk calms the nervous system which makes you sleepy, while the honey triggers serotonin, which relaxes you even more. A new study found that honey helps the body absorb calcium, so this combo helps strengthen your bones better than milk alone.
  • Another potent mix: Bell Peppers and Garlic. Separately these help a little bit to lower cholesterol, but together, they’re as powerful as some prescriptions! Garlic is proven to relax blood vessels. When it’s teamed up with the vitamin C in Bell Peppers it can do its job 300% better! The pepper - garlic combo has been shown to drop systolic blood pressure by 20 points.

  • Put some mandarin orange slices on top of your spinach salad. The vitamin C in the oranges helps your body absorb more iron from the spinach, meaning you’ll get an extra boost of energy. Studies show that when we have spinach on its own, we’re only absorbing about 15% of the iron we’re eating.  Pair it up with some oranges though, and you’re getting double.

  • Three Foods Combinations that REVERSE AGING

    Oatmeal + Mushrooms + Oranges

    Sunday, January 16, 2011

    UnShame yourself Worksheet

    This is a psychology exercise that will free you from negative emotions. 1. Do not defend yourself against criticism (the act of passing severe judgment; censure; fault-finding in others is a reflection of that person thoughts about themselves). If you do you are absorbing toxic shame (responsible for a wrong, intense regret; distress or Humiliation caused by yours or others consciousness of one's guilt or folly( negative decision making).  Instead say, “You’re right." What is it about this ______ you don't like? “Why does this thing bother you?" "What's the issue for this criticism?"    Look the person in the eye and say, " I love myself for celebrating my life w/ _________ (an expensive vacation, something you believe you deserve whatever that thing (it) is.                             Tell them, "I'd be happy to talk to you when you stop raging" (get over your threat response) and leave!  When you are wrong: Promptly admit you are wrong and apologize, take only your Response-Ability.   You are human these things happen.                   We live in a world of abundance, more of everything can always be made. Tell yourself, "I can get my basic needs met."                Signs of Unresolved shame are - you Blame and Judge others or you condemn and accuse others. Give yourself a gift of breaking this hereditary curse; read this at least twice a day, every day for 30 days so you know it without having to actively think. It takes COURAGE TO BE IMPERFECT; through imperfection; I'M Perfect just as I Am. Question the Shame and Guilt on paper. You having a sense of humor about yourself is the ultimate standard for measuring a person's recovery from internalized Shame. GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION TO ENJOY EVERY MINUTE OF LIFE; Addiction Recovery. There's more in my Do Psychology book.  


    a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcoming, or impropriety
    b: the susceptibility to such emotion 
    • have you no shame?

    2a condition of humiliating disgrace or disrepute: ignominy 
    • the shame of being arrested

    3a something that brings censure or reproach; also: something to be regretted: pity 
    • it's a shame you can't go
    a cause of feeling shame    

    Examples of shame in a Sentence

    1. He felt shame for his lies.
    2. How could you be so rude? Have you no shame?
    3. Her crimes brought shame upon her family.
    4. He had to endure the shame of being fired.   

      Recent Examples of shame from the Web

      • Which is a shame, because up until that point, Lost In Space got some stuff right that is rare in the realm of TV sci-fi.
      • Which is a crying shame, because our culinary flair offers more than just a few make-do dishes for budget-conscious cookery.
      • Americans don’t necessarily need Zuckerberg to act like a normal CEO, personifying his company and hanging his head in shame.
      • But he is blanketed in shame by a blue bag and bound at the feet.
      • The big problem for Obama going forward doesn't have anything to do with reporters ragging on Tony Rezko, flogging the Austan Goolsbee flap or sharpening their stories in shame after Case in point: Pennsylvania.
      • Consuming an entire pint of ice cream was once an act cloaked in shame, conducted from the privacy of one’s couch and preferably while wearing sweatpants.
      • For the past five days, much has changed, with a growing chorus of critics depicting Israel as an incompetent leader who should be removed from office by the governor or resign in shame.
      • Sorry, Instagram: Katherine Heigl just put your #TransformationTuesday posts to shame.                                                                                                       

    Exercise Weight loss Milk Jugs weights FREE

    fill with water up to 8 pounds. google 4 hour body  lose 5 pounds a week in cold water. eat oatmeal w/ OJ in the morning. Marisa Miller eats it all day w/ a little cinnamon. It's all calories in and calories out. Sleep more and drink more water - you should never think- "I'm thirsty" if you do you are dehydrated sip all day.

    Saturday, January 8, 2011

    Free online Tutor Homework Help

    watch youtube videos and start a discussion on amazon. go to college professors offices and ask. It was fun when I had a physics professor that would create questions that didn't have a solution.


    old school - " we didn't have these fancy computers in my day." We had to ask questions face to face smelling bad breathe and each others air dukes (SouthPark) BMs and we liked it.

    Wednesday, January 5, 2011


    Make for less than 6.00 here in the USA and yours will last and be the exact size of your door or window. One part from any walmart and one part from any Home Depot or Lowes and a few safety or straight pins. Insulates better, won't crush or crump like this one in the picture from China.                                             Instructions -Use foam from a meat tray to cut out and place behind outlet covers and light switch covers.  Buy Dap foam can filler. White. Cleans up with soap and water to fill cracks.

    1. go to Home depot or lowes, buy the most expensive pipe insulation. Cut to fit bottom of the doorway. Slide in a pillow case. Roll and pin or sew closed. Repeat for other side.