Sunday, June 22, 2014

Morbid Obese Diet When you Must lose weight Nursing Home Suffering

  • Eat small meals filled with cooked greens and vegetables. Older people will have a lot of health issues and its difficult to administer uniform diet for all. For ex, while raw vegetables are good generally, ones whose digestive system is weak cannot process. 
  • You can try Psyllium seed husks  (Walmart, if bowel movement is the problem. 
  • Its not easy for seniors to get good exercise. They can do simple things walking, cycling, yoga and pranayam ( esp. Anulom Vilom). Anulom Vilom Pranayama - Yoga For Stress Relief -  

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Dubble Bubble Gum Freeze to "Grow your Face" Beauty Enhancer

wrapped .222 cents per ounce here .148 cents at
Walmart for 16 oz vs. 5 oz. I'd get the bigger bag there. Great gum to freeze and "grow your face" on with. That's how I chew mine. Please comment below.