Friday, October 7, 2016

How to withdraw from psychiatric medication?

They increase or decrease electrical firings from one brain cell to another that signal a mixture chemical that is shared from one neuron to the next and those cells connected around it. There are 144 organelles that make up the brain that provides specific functions and a blend of specialized cells within those. These patterns are currently being recorded and most mentally diseases, cancer, and aging will be cured within 500 to 3000 days as of 10/1/2016! I do Not recommend coming of any medications. You can play w/ your dose. It takes 14 – 30 for the meds to be effective in your brain and only 1–3 to be ineffective like all meds there can be effects you don’t want to, find a happy medium. Whatever meds you are on especially a blend one at a time up or down 10% the mg over the effective time to minimize the results your body experiences. I recommend this for pain meds, immediately. They do the noticeable nervous system and liver damage over time. Also, adjust sleep (chelated magnesium) 75 – 150 mg or homocysteine formulas works wonders, also diet, exercise, and smelling dirt.

Monday, October 3, 2016

A World without Mental Illness, when... Removing PTSD trauma through an acts of kindness

They increase or decrease electrical sparks from one brain cell to another that signal a mixture of chemicals that are shared from one neuron to the next and those cells connected around it. There are 144 organelles that make up the brain that provides specific functions and a blend of specialized cells within those. These patterns are currently being recorded and most mentally diseases, cancer, and aging will be cured within 500 to 3000 days as of 10/1/2016! I do Not recommend coming from any medications. You can play w/ your dose. It takes 14 – 30 days for the meds to be effective in your brain and only 1 – 3 days to be ineffective like all meds there can effect you don’t want to, find a happy medium. Whatever meds you are on especially a blend one at a time up or down 10% the mgs over the effective time to minimize the results your body experiences. I recommend this for pain meds, immediately. They do the noticeable nervous system and liver damage over time. Also, adjust sleep (chelated magnesium) 75 – 150 mg or homo-cysteine formulas works wonders, also diet, exercise, and smelling dirt. Do not self-medicate with alcohol. Once those brain cells are dead you can't get that better ration back.  Just start moving chairs for a group. Ask "so, how many do we need?"  body response- distant staring off with a blank face and rapid eye flutter blinking.   Assault Rape help Rape-Related PTSD; Female prosecutors 864 596 2575 or call 864 596 2222 and ask for an ER Nurse

Thursday, June 16, 2016

REAL Reasons Trump Won Colluding / Obama's Psych* Conditioning

1. The entertainment media is "you as a journalist" Obama's code words. Is in lockstep behind Obama's population reduction policies. 2. Republicans are in on the Depopulation governing model.  3. Obama has most of the public prepared for and even wanting to hear his lies. 4. Trump is more Communist than Conservative. 5. Trump is better at expressing outrage when Population reductionist psychological conditioning lies from Obama move ahead of the next step in the Overseer Obama's Plantation Reduction Policies from the Plantation owners' Buffett / Soros, his Banking Masters. Trump colluding with the Putin's long time Russian spy Rush Ian Limbaugh.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Being LGBT is tough. Here's why

 All those additional emotion chemicals flooding your brain. We don't have to walk a mile in their emotional storms.

Friday, March 4, 2016

"Grow your FACE" Now 2 years later....what are your RESULTS? Do you still keep your tongue up there like mew says?

I don't know how to tell. I had hoped to eat more tough meat and jerky. I have maybe eating jerky once a week and chewed 2 pieces of Dubble Bubble frozen gum each week. I can't say i see much of a difference. I maybe be getting a few more looks but, i don't get out much. I can say that my jaw feels better - more relaxed, more in a more correct place.It could be from the gum, foods, stress reduction, remembering to relax it, and slide my tongue b/t my teeth a few times a day and at night before sleep or a combination. Yes up and the tip between my teeth. Thank you for the question. I'll chew a piece now and try to do more over the next year.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

How to Change your Brain Change your life

Eliminate Automatic Negative Thoughts           
 Don't think, use in absolute terms(always,never,no one,everyone every time,everything)                           
  -Don't predict the worst will happen
-Don't believe others are thinking the worst,even though they haven't told you           
 Don't believe negative
 feelings w/o ever questioning them -Don't use negative thought words(should,must,ought,have to) -don't attach negative labels to yourself or others
     Write out an event associated w/an ANT (negative
 thoughts or feelings) and Talk IT TO Death. Reason w/yourself until you see (the event,thought,feeling) as something positive.