Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Foods That Slim; New Scientist Magazine Nov 2014

Chili Pepper powder = less brown fat                                             Grapefruit = increases                                                                     Insulin  Fiber = less appetite

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Habits That Will Make You Rich

1. Live with in your dreams
Wealthy people pay their future selves, first. They save 20 percent of their net income and live on the remaining 80.
Those who are struggling financially, all are living above their means. They spend more than they earn, and their debt is overwhelming them. If you want to end your financial struggles, you need to make a habit of saving and budgeting what you spend. Here are some sensible ways to budget your Monthly net pay:
▲Spend no more than 25 percent on housing, no matter if you own or rent.
▲Spend no more than 15 percent on food.
▲Limit entertainment— movies, miniature golf, whatever—to no more than 10  percent of your spending. Vacations should account for no more than 5 percent of your annual net pay.
▲Spend no more than 5 percent on auto loans, and never lease. Ninety-four percent of the wealthy buy instead of leasing. These folks keep their cars until the wheels fall off, taking great care along the way so that they save money in the long run.
▲Stay away from accumulating credit card debt. If you are doing this, it’s a clear sign that you need to cut back somewhere.
▲ Think of savings and investments as two completely different things. You should never lose money on your savings. Try to stash six months of living expenses in an emergency fund in case you lose your job or your business closes.
▲ Contribute as much as you can afford to a retirement plan. If you work for a company that matches your contributions up to a certain percentage, great. Always take that free money when you can get it.
2. Don’t gamble.
 Every week, 77 percent of those who struggle financially play the lottery. Wealthy people do not rely on random good luck for their wealth. They create their own good luck. If you still want to bet after knowing the risk, use money from your entertainment budget.
3. Read every day.
Reading information that will increase your knowledge about your business or career will make you more valuable to colleagues, customers or clients. Among wealthy, 88 percent read 30 minutes or more every day. Just as important, they make good use of their reading time:
▲ 63 percent listen to audio books during their commute.
▲ 79 percent read educational career-related material.
▲ 55 percent read for personal development.
▲ 58 percent read biographies of successful people.
▲ 94 percent read current events.
▲ 51 percent read about history.
▲ 11 percent—only 11 percent—read purely for entertainment purposes.
The reason successful people read is to improve themselves. This separates them from the competition. By increasing their knowledge, they are able to see more opportunities, which translate into more money. Comparatively, only one in 50 of those struggling financially engages in this daily self-improvement reading, and as a result the poor don’t grow professionally and are among the first to be fired or downsized.
4. Forget the tv and spend less time surfing the Internet.
How much of your valuable time do you lose parked in front of a screen? Two-thirds of wealthy people watch less than an hour of TV a day and almost that many—63  percent—spend less than an hour a day on the Internet unless it is job-related.
Instead, these successful people use their free time engaged in personal development, networking, volunteering, working side jobs or side businesses, or pursuing some goal that will lead to rewards down the road. But 77 percent of those struggling financially spend an hour or more a day watching TV, and 74 percent spend an hour or more a day using the Internet recreation-ally.
5. Control your emotions.
Not every thought needs to come out of your mouth. Not every emotion needs to be expressed. When you say whatever is on your mind, you risk hurting others. Loose lips are a habit for 69 percent of those who struggle financially. Conversely, 94 percent of wealthy people filter their emotions. They understand that letting emotions control them can destroy relationships at work and at home. Wait to say what’s on your mind until you’re calm and have had time to look at the situation objectively.
Fear is perhaps the most important negative emotion to control. Any change, even positive changes such as marriage or a promotion, can prompt feelings of fear. Wealthy people have conditioned their minds to overcome these thoughts, while those who struggle financially give in to fear and allow it to hold them back.
Whether you fear change, making mistakes, taking risks or simply failure, conquering these emotions is about leaning in just a little until you build up confidence. It’s amazing how much confidence helps.
6. Network and volunteer regularly.
You’ll build valuable relationships that can result in more customers or clients, or help you land a better job if you spend time pressing the flesh and giving back in your community. Almost three-quarters of wealthy people network and volunteer a minimum of five hours a month. Among those struggling financially, only one in 10 does this.
One perk of volunteering is the company you’ll keep. Very often the boards and committees of nonprofits are made up of wealthy, successful people. Developing personal relationships with these folks will often result in future business relationships.
7. Go above and beyond in work and business.
Unsuccessful people have “it’s not in my job description” syndrome. Consequently, they are never given more responsibility, and their wages grow very little from year to year—if they keep their jobs at all. Wealthy individuals, on the other hand, make themselves invaluable to their employers or customers, writing articles related to their industry, speaking at industry events and networking. Successful people work hard to achieve the mutual goals of their employers or their businesses.
8. Set goals, not wishes.
You cannot control the outcome of a wish, but you can control the outcome of a goal.
Every year, 70 percent of the wealthy pursue at least one major goal. Only 3 percent of those struggling to make ends meet do this.
9. Avoid procrastination.
Successful people understand that procrastination impairs quality; creates dissatisfied employers, customers or clients; and damages other nonbusiness relationships. Here are five strategies that will help you avoid procrastination:
▲ Create daily “to-do” lists. These are your daily goals. You want to complete 70 percent or more of your “to-do” items every day.
▲ Have a “daily five.” These activities represent the crucial things that will help you get closer to realizing some major purpose or goal.
▲ Set and communicate artificial deadlines. There’s nothing wrong with finishing early.
▲ Have accountability partners. These are people you team with to pursue a big goal. Communicate with them at least every week, and make sure they hold your feet to the fire.
▲ Say a “do it now” affirmation. This is a self-nagging technique. Repeat the words “do it now” over and over again until you begin a task or project.
10. Talk less and listen more.
A 5-to-1 ratio is about right: You should listen to others five minutes for every one minute that you speak. Wealthy people are good communicators because they are good listeners. They understand that you can learn and educate yourself only by listening to what other people have to say. The more you learn about your relationships, the more you can help them.
11. Avoid toxic people.
We are only as successful as the people we spend the most time with. Of wealthy, successful people, 86 percent associate with other successful people. But 96 percent of those struggling financially stick with others struggling financially.
If you want to end your financial struggles, you need to evaluate each of your relationships and determine if they are a Rich Relationship (with someone who can help you up) or a Poverty Relationship (with someone holding you back). Start spending more and more time on your Rich Relationships and less on your Poverty Relationships. Rich Relationships can help you find a better job, refer new business to you or open doors of opportunity.
12. Don’t give up.
Those who are successful in life have three things in common: focus, persistence and patience. They simply do not quit chasing their big goals. Those who struggle financially stop short.
13. Set aside the self-limiting beliefs holding you back.
If you’re hurting financially, you’ve probably told yourself some of these untruths before: Poor people can’t become rich. Rich people have good luck and poor people have bad luck. I’m not smart. I can’t do anything right. I fail at everything I try.
Each one of these self-limiting beliefs alters your behavior in a negative way. Almost four out of five wealthy people attribute their success in life to their beliefs. Change your negative beliefs into positive affirmations by reading lessons from the greats of personal development, like Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie and Jim Rohn.
14. Get a mentor.
Among the wealthy, 93 percent who had a mentor attributed their success to that person. Mentors regularly and actively participate in your growth by teaching you what to do and what not to do. Finding such a teacher is one of the best and least painful ways to become rich.
If you know your goals, find someone who has already achieved them. You’ll be amazed by how many people want to lend a helping hand.
15. Eliminate “bad luck” from your vocabulary.
Those struggling financially in life have a way of creating bad luck for themselves. It’s a byproduct of their habits. Poverty Habits, repeated over and over are like snowflakes on a mountainside. In time, these snowflakes build up until the inevitable avalanche—a preventable medical problem, a lost job, a failed marriage, a broken business relationship or a bankruptcy.
Conversely, successful people create their own unique type of good luck. Their positive habits lead to opportunities such as promotions, bonuses, new business and good health.
16. Know your main purpose.
It’s the last Rich Habit, but it might be the most important. Those people who pursue a dream or a main purpose in life are by far the wealthiest and happiest among us. Because they love what they do for a living, they are happy to devote more hours each day driving toward their purpose.
Odds are, if you are not making sufficient income at your job, it is because you are doing something you do not particularly like. When you can earn a sufficient income doing something you enjoy, you have found your main purpose.
Believe it or not, finding this purpose is easy. Here’s the process:
1. Make a list of everything you can remember that made you happy.
2. Highlight those items on your list that involve a skill, and identify that skill.
3. Rank the top 10 highlighted items in the order of joy they bring to you. Whatever makes you happiest of all gets 10 big points.
4. Now rank the top 10 highlighted items in terms of their income potential. The most lucrative skill of all is worth 10 points.
5. Total the two ranked columns. The highest score represents a potential main purpose in your life.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Be Confident You Will Have Developed These 8 Habits

Pay close attention to the traits that don’t apply and think about how to develop them.

They don’t dwell on the past.

It’s important to learn from the past but, confident people don’t dwell on the past. If you dwell on the past you won’t be able to continue moving forward, so you won’t have a chance to apply any of the lessons the past has taught you.

They do new things.

People who are lacking in confidence often stick with the same old things that they’re familiar with. Confident people don’t hesitate to try new things, recognizing that any mistakes they make along the way will serve as excellent learning experiences.

They are humble.

Because confident people are sure of their standing and their success, they don’t feel the need to brag about it. Instead, they simply let their accomplishments and their reputation speak for itself.

They have priorities.

Confident people have the ability to say no and so they are able to make time for the things that matter in life. Being confident doesn’t mean that you have to be all work and no play – in fact, it means that you are more able to play because you have the ability to say no.

They know what they like.

Although people who are confident are not afraid to try new things, they also have a strong understanding of what they like and what they don’t like because they have developed a strong sense of self.

They don’t wait for the perfect time.

Sometimes, the “perfect” time will never come. If you’re confident, though, you will be able to recognize when the time is ripe to act and understand that there may never be a perfect time. If you’re sufficiently confident in yourself and your work, that won’t be a problem.

They don’t overcomplicate.

When a confident person wants something, they devise a straightforward plan to achieve it; they don’t get bogged down in tangential possibilities.

They trust their instincts.

Confident people have a strong enough sense of self, that they know when their instincts are correct and they don’t allow themselves to be swayed by others.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Steps to Eliminate Limiting Beliefs or Negative Programming 3 easy steps

Step 1:

Close your eyes and once again visualize the scene (Dig deep into memories from your past – childhood, a situation that contributed towards you forming this belief - teacher, girlfriend,father). Now, imagine that this image in your mind has gone dim, as if someone turned off a light or two in the scene. Now visualize that the image is moving away from you, as if contained in a box that is being pulled away from you into darkness.
As the image moves away, see that it also becomes blurry. Continue to imagine the image shrinking until it disappears and all you are left with is darkness. Now, take a nice deep and long inhale, causing an audible exhale, making an – ahhhhhhh sound.

Step 2:

Open your eyes. Now write down a statement that has the opposite questioning meaning from your belief statement. - Why I am a great writer?, Why I am deserving of good things?, Why are there so many good-looking women who are faithful and kind, I am a good person, etc.

Step 3:

Close your eyes, and see yourself living these answers you just learned. Imagine yourself as a great writer, typing / talking away at your desk. See yourself walking around on a beautiful day knowing that you are a good and deserving person.
Look around at the details of this scene. What do you see around you? What do you smell? Touch something in your environment. How do you feel? Feel the emotions of that moment. Feel the joy bursting from your being. You are smiling. Now make this image slightly brighter, as if someone had shined extra light onto the scene. Continue to imagine this scene until you remember the details of it.
How do you feel now? Repeat your original question. Does the thought still bother you in the same way? Repeat the process until you no longer feel an emotional reaction towards the question.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Amoxicillin My Unwanted Direct Affects Side Effects

New symptoms - pressure and pain in my ears, saliva setting in my throat, throat closing, painful to swallow. Please chart - I am allergic to Amoxicillin. I last took Amox 25 years ago; Rx'd by Dr. Daniel Moore, neurologist. The rx was for 5 days, then back for 5 days more, then coughing up blood, then 5 days more, total 15 days of meds. I was going to tell Dr. Chin to write a different rx but she wouldn't listen. 10 days will make me sicker and bacteria is resistant to this old Penicillin derivative.  Please comment below.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Moxifloxacin Antibiotic Good Stuff

its working against a nasal, ear, throat infection. Strep throat.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Morbid Obese Diet When you Must lose weight Nursing Home Suffering

  • Eat small meals filled with cooked greens and vegetables. Older people will have a lot of health issues and its difficult to administer uniform diet for all. For ex, while raw vegetables are good generally, ones whose digestive system is weak cannot process. 
  • You can try Psyllium seed husks  (Walmart, if bowel movement is the problem. 
  • Its not easy for seniors to get good exercise. They can do simple things walking, cycling, yoga and pranayam ( esp. Anulom Vilom). Anulom Vilom Pranayama - Yoga For Stress Relief - Onlymyhealth.com   http://www.dietpillswatchdog.com/superfruit-slim  

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Dubble Bubble Gum Freeze to "Grow your Face" Beauty Enhancer

wrapped .222 cents per ounce here .148 cents at
Walmart for 16 oz vs. 5 oz. I'd get the bigger bag there. Great gum to freeze and "grow your face" on youtube.com with. That's how I chew mine. Please comment below.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Jack Links Beef Jerky Review of Wal-Mart Amazon Buy Oberto

This product is made with SHIT! Tyson diseased chicken, corn syrup = fat , sugar = diabetes, sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate = Brain Fog, now and Alzheimer's later. Eat this Wal-Mart dung at your peril. While, the addiction creators of the stuff and (Warren Buffett) win and your Brain, heart, and body will lose. Buy O berto or another more natural Brand instead.Robert Obert o Natural Beef Jerkey: Ingredients

  • Beef
  • Sugar
  • Water
  • Beef Stock
  • Salt
  • Spices
  • Natural Flavorings
  • Natural Smoke Flavor
  • Vinegar
Please comment below.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How to Dyson Ize Engineering Education

Provide kids 3-5 with slightly broken, complicated computers and toys  Teach them alternative theories like Creationism. This will help them be more curious not less. Introduce them to Big questions at a young age.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What to quit to turn your life around

Don't say, "they". Name the person or group. This retains your power, doesn't give it away to an unknown authority.  
Stopped - Envy, Greed, isolation of ideas. Start collaborating, researching, focusing  responsibility for everything that happens. No one will steal your idea if you focus on it til someone will buy it than you can get a patent pending.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How to Correct Teen Girls Emotions experiencing Body image issues Dr. Bulsa

Work from the inside out - practice the "shame, guilt removal exercise on my blog. Do, Guided Loving Kindness Meditation Practice 



  "NLP the essentials" book. All peoples' problems psychological come from the same "negative" self talk. It has been installed in their heads especially, with women, emotionally attached. Women have 4 brain centers; 4 voices in a group talking to each other so it's stronger in women vs. 1 brain center in men.  

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Comversation on low back pain treatment with Dr. Eric Goodman www.FoundationRoots.com

How is your book different from these exercises? on youtube??

 1. How is yours compared to the top 5 low back pain books on amazon.com? have you read them? others you would recommend and why? 
- I have heard good things about The Gokhale Method. My honest opinion is that you can't learn very well from a book. Much more effective to use videos. That being said I would look into things like basic qi gong or basic Tai Chi in addition to your Foundation workouts. This is a very new and important idea in health, the others are pretty repetitious and not as effective in the long term. 

2. My low back muscles went super tight to protect my L3-5 all slightly crushed and haven't loosened at all until your exercises. I'm standing with little pain for the first time in over 20 years! Women have walked up and said- wow, your taLL, nice posture!! THANK You back needs more stretching:) Your stuff is stregthening them. any specific stretchs? i've started yoga.

I like that you are doing yoga, i think the breathing exercises and the calming effects will be good for your expected physical anxiety in movements.  Its pretty scary what you went through, be understanding with your bodies natural fear, but also know that the body is an extraordinary self healing mechanism and you have a different body and mind than you did after the accident. I think yoga and other relaxation techniques will be useful,  but they should all involve breathing work and movement.

 3. It's difficult to see where legs and hips should be in the floor legs crossed video. could you make another? show founder with a tight shirt wearing guy?

 We are going to be releasing several, very detailed videos as full length DVDs, when these come out they should leave nothing unlearned. They will start coming out before the end of the year. 

4. What is a way- motivation, good self talk to have when I'm doing these? The Fear memory- Tightness is intense especially on the floor exercises, but feels better after. 

When people use the exercises to relax, they do every movement on a slow/deep breath.  In fact a good way to get past the anxiety is to only move while you breath.  So each step of the Founder, or any other exercise for that matter is done on a long, slow breath. Other than that all I can say is that this is the way your body is structurally designed to move, if you stay within these guidelines and slowly learn the specifics of each exercises you and your body will thrive.  Take your time, it should be a lifelong process.
Dr. Eric Goodman
Foundation First, LLC